
氏 名上田 裕一(うえだ やすいち)
出身東京都出身 東京大学医学部医学科卒



When I first came to Motobu,I was recuperating from an illness.Untill then,I was an active neurosurgeon working under extreme pressure.Being an Associate Professor,my duties also included teaching young university students and consulting doctors.Eventually, the responsibilities and demands severely affected my health, to the point that my doctors feared I may lose my eye-sight even if they could save my life.

I found Motobu ideal.The friendliness of the people and the environment-the Sun, ocean, fauna and flora gave me a sense of wellbeing! I realised this beautiful place had natural and positive healing power.

Rightaway,I decided to resign my post and life in the fast lane to start a new life in Motobu and contribute towards its development, to introduce my ideas of 21stcentury medicine- a combination of medical treatment and recovery in a peaceful surrounding with diet and excercise.

As a result, in 1984 the Motobu Noge Clinic was opened.In 1988 the clinic became the Motobu Noge Hospital with 150+ beds.

Subsequently, I helped strengthen the local medical community.By becoming the Director of the Northern Okinawa Medical Association. We established the Medical Association Hospital in 1991 and the Nursing School in 1993.To promote the further development of Motobu. We introduced MOTOBU NOGE HOSPITAL and NOGE NET MOTOBU.

最終更新日: 2008/12/24

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